GEOVIA Whittle
Advanced Strategic Mine Planning
Discover the Profitability of End-to-End Mine Optimization
GEOVIA Whittle enables open pit mining companies to first accurately evaluate the financial viability of a mineral deposit and options for capital investment and development, then determine the optimal long-term strategic mine plan and schedule to extract the full value of that deposit over the life of the mine. Through a range of customizable components, including strategic scheduling, detailed cost, price, and recovery modelling, multiple scenario analyses, blending, cut-off and simultaneous stockpile optimization, Whittle empowers mines to achieve full, end-to-end mine optimization — a process proven to improve net present value well above pit optimization alone.
GEOVIA Whittle Roles
Discover the world’s most comprehensive strategic mine planning role-based portfolio for surface mining
Pit Optimizer
Find the optimal mining strategy utilizing a combination of economic, physical, geotechnical and operational constraints.
Choose either Pseudoflow or Lerchs-Grossman (LG) algorithm to generate optimized pit shells
Utilize unparalleled toolkit for high level economic evaluation of new projects and operating open pit mines
Uncover and understand economic drivers and associated sensitivities
Focus on NPV maximization or resource recovery
Manage projects with an easy-to-use framework
Analyze multiple scenarios and elements with advanced reporting and charting
Blend Optimizer
Optimize blend considering the schedule and existing stockpiles to ensure these are optimized at the same time, driven by the overall objective of maximizing the Net Present Value (NPV) of the whole operation.
Blend optimization based on Whittle schedules or imported schedule
Bulk blend scenario analysis considering multiple products with different specifications, prices, blending costs and blending limits
Handle multiple coal specifications and constraints such as minimum BTU, max ash and sulphur
Perform extractive blend factoring in blending costs and constraints, such as process recovery, prices and selling costs while limits are applied to the extractive process
Handle multiple stockpiles, different cut-offs, time dependant recoveries, initial size and grade while utilizing Whittles scheduling engine to determine the optimal blend strategy